The characteristics of eva box

Publish Time: 2018-01-11     Origin: Site


The characteristics of eva box:


1,  Biodegradable:Being discard or burnt will not cause harm to the environment.

2,  Almost the same price with PVC: EVA is more expensive than virgin PVC, but  cheaper than the PVC which don't contain phthalates.

3,  Lighter weight: EVA density is between 0.91 to 0.93, while PVC is 1.32.

4,  No smell: EVA does not have the smell like ammonia or other organic.

5,  Does not contain heavy metals: in line with the relevant international toy ordinance.

6,  Phthalate-free: suitable for children's toys and will not produce plasticizers.

7,  High transparency, softness and toughness: a wide range of applications.

8,  Super strong resistance at low temperature : suitable for icing environment.

9,  Anti-water, salt and other substances: in most applications can maintain a fixed set.

10, High heat paste: can be firmly affixed to nylon, polyester, canvas and other cloth.

11, Low fit temperature: can speed up the production speed.

12, Screen printing and offset printing: can be used for multi-pattern products.


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