The Types of EVA Trays

Publish Time: 2018-04-09     Origin: Site

1, EVA Tray


Eva tray is of a high cost, has the types of environmentally friendly or non envirionmentally friendly, against static electricity or antifire, main colour is white or black.


2, EPE Tray


EPE tray is formed by stamping the moulds, and sticked on the case. The cost is lower than EVA but higher than foam.


3, Polystyrene Foam Tray


The disvantage of this foam tray is too weak and easy to crack, as the inner tray, need to be used with the charpie together.


4, Paper Tray

The paper tray is environmentally friendly, can be recycled, which is the common inner supporter. Material to be used: corugated paper or the same material as the packaging box.


5, Plastic Tray


The plastic tray is made of PET or PVC, throught the process of plastic uptake to form the groove to place the products, which plays the role of protecting products.



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